08 April 2008

Here's A Post!

Whoosh, I am tuckered out! Job hunting is hard work, and kind of demoralizing when nobody calls :p

The interview with the woman from Paulie's work went really well and I was pretty convinced that I had the job. Everybody at Paul's office told me I was a shoe-in. Stupidly, I kind of stopped looking for like a week and a half I was so sure. And then, I didn't get the job. The lovely woman who interviewed me felt SO BADLY! But, unfortunately, the company really doesn't like to hire from outside. They hire from outside generally only on the lowest level and then promote from within - this is why it was so difficult for Paul to get a job there. The interviewer was sure that she could convince her boss to let her hire me as I was qualified and she was desperate but in the end the company pretty much put a complete moratorium on hiring from outside the company. I was disappointed.

But, I've applied for many other things and eventually something has to work out, right? RIGHT?! I'm getting a bit panicky about it...no one is even calling! Today I applied for one job but spent much of the rest of the day revamping my resume. I try to do that every couple of weeks or so, just changing little things here and there since you never know what will catch a potential employer's eye.

We've been c-r-a-z-y busy lately for some reason. Looking for work for me and doctor's appointments and medicating Smeagol's latest health problem and spring cleaning...it seems I never sit down. Which is fine, I'm not complaining! Lord knows must people have a lot more to do than I do. I had my treadmill test last week and it went quite well. It wasn't too hard and didn't take too long and the RN who was with me was really nice. The doctor will send the results to my doctor ( I go in a week from today for that ) but in the meantime he said he saw no scary heart issues. My blood pressure was stupid high though so I'll probably have to get that checked out even though it was near perfect at my last doctor's appointment.

Did I mention that I got the results of my my blood tests? I was sure that I did, but I can't find it on here now so maybe I didn't. *PROUD* My total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, kidney function, thyroid level etc. was all good. I wonder how it would have been a year ago before I started, well, changing my health entirely. I wish I knew. I'm really shocked that after 3 and a half decades of eating crap and 1 and a half decades of being fat all of these levels are okay. Amazing, I think. The only problem that the initial blood tests turned up is an abnormal liver profile. I go back next week to discuss this and the results of the treadmill test and continue trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with me. I'm a bit scared of what the abnormal liver numbers could mean but I guess we will see.

It is officially summer here in East Tennessee. There was no spring. We have three wasp nests on our back porch (tomorrow we go at them), tick heaven in the front lawn (the owner of the property apparently does not believe in mowing!) and dogwoods blooming everywhere. Its all quite lovely, and my allergies aren't even too too bad yet. Some sinus headaches and LOTS OF ITCHING, but it could be way worse. Its really pretty out here, when are you all going to come and visit?


Chickenbells said...

Hold on...if they do a moratorium from outside hiring what would they do if everyone quit? Pack up and go home? sheesh...getting a job is not easy now-days is it? Keep on searching though...the right one is around the corner!!

Anonymous said...

I think it basically means they don't want to spend any money increasing their workforce. See, if they hire from within, then they don't necessarily have to find a replacement for the person who just moved up - their old coworkers just have to pick up the slack. An outsider might have a realistic salary goal, as well - often if you promote from within you can tell the candidate 'Well, we're giving you this better job, but since you are new at it, we're only going to give you a dinky little raise while you learn.' Again, saves money. :)

At least, that was my experience at one of my other jobs - I came into the position from the outside (which was unusual) and was making more than others who had been there a year or two, but moved up from a lower position.

Anonymous said...

Job hunting is a flippin' pain in the neck, as everyone knows, with the potential for some really fun self-esteem issues! The sheer horribleness of job hunting is almost the only reason that I don't up and quit today. Don't panic yet - so far it's just like it's always been, right? When you get a job it'll be a wonderful bonus. Good luck with everything, chica!

P.S. We'll be sure to visit as soon as I'm willing to be trapped in a car/plane/bus with two little boys. Three, if you count Matt.

Anonymous said...

The two little boys are probably easier to handle.

Jennifer Lavin said...

I think workin' sheep is exactly right. Thank goodness Paul got on there when he did!

Thanks for the support, all :)