When Paul and I moved from Moldy Apartment #1 for our two month stay in Moldy Apartment #2 before moving permanently to Slightly Moldy Townhouse #1 we found that Smeagol and Waffles were fairly upset by the move and the mess and two sick 'parents' etc. Paul had Smeagol for years before he met me and she never had a crate or a bed to call her own (we bought her a bed at some point and she was fairly uninterested) but she was and is fairly unperterbubable so we weren't too worried. When we moved though, the already very tense Waffles became the Amazing Nervous Boston Terrier, so we bought him a $10 bed at Walgreens. This bed instantly became his and worked perfectly as the little safe nest that dog experts recommend all dogs have. He has two beds now, one upstairs and one downstairs but the disgusting cheapo bed, now grossly stained with God-knows-what is still a favorite and his retreat every time he gets scared - which is about 24 times a day (me turning pages in my book, me cooking, rain falling, having to go to the bathroom, having gone to the bathroom and on and on).
And so, a tribute to Wiffy and his bed - one of my rare good ideas and a perfect fit for a dog that is normally so tense that he makes
me look relaxed:

And, while I'm at it, here are some other dog pictures that I've taken recently. Love them as much as I do!
A rare moment of rawhide chewy peace. Normally they are like two three year olds who want ONLY THE TOY THE OTHER ONE HAS!

They generally sleep in a pile like this, although, as you can see, neither one likes being the bottom half of the totem pole.

Awww...I love the puppy pictures!!!!! Thanks for sharing! How's the work thing going?
Hehehehe I wouldn't want to be the bottom of the puppypole either!
Oh, that's too cute. Thanks for posting that! :)
Glad you guys like my babies!
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