I had a long talk with my sister Bernice the other day and I said some stuff that she thought was insane (I get that a lot from my family) and I found myself saying something to the effect that it -might- be crazy, maybe I -am- crazy, 20+ years of depression is -going- to change your brain, its chemistry and its outlook on life. And then I realized that I absolutely believe that. I don't like the fact that I have to interrupt my day 3, 5, 10 times every day to cry, but I do like the fact that I am so moved by the world and its people and its animals and its Creator. I don't want to have had a life of depression, but it has made me who I am and although I am not always fond of myself, I'm fiercely proud of the fact that I'm still alive and kicking and I'm thrilled that I have a husband who smiles at me with such love when I cry about some phone company commercial or picture on the Internet because he loves 'emotional me' too.
Life has not turned out how I expected, but on this blog you maybe get to see little pictures of what my life is like. Maybe you fnd that interesting, or maybe it helps you understand how I tick (f you're a friend or family member and WANT to understand how I tick) or maybe it bores or irritates you and that's okay too, bye!
This picture is so very, very sad and I want to help this man and dog so badly but the picture can be seen as so wonderfully happy too, in a way. This man may be homeless (and I don't think the picture was set up, my cynical husband, but even if it was, I'm sure this happens on a tragically regular basis) but he still gets unconditional love and affection from his dog and that's more than some people get from anyone in a lifetime.

see more cute dogs and puppies
If you look at the comments associated with the picture you'll find a link to a place where you can donate to homeless pets and their humans...might be more productive than just crying about it, I suppose.
oh Jenn, you've made me cry out of both sadness and heartwrenching warmth of being loved. I, too, cry at long distance commercials!
Sweetest picture ever, eh? :)
oof, my heart.
My OH would think that's set up too; I just find it touching.
Hugs to you. Many.
Right back at ya :)
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