I really don't like to write things here that are political but since even my most innocuous comments seem to be misconstrued these days and since I found this SOSOSO funny, I must share it:
Me - ...yeah, he drives me nuts with his 'Democrats are evil, Republicans are awesome' emails.
Him - Yeah, me too.
Me - But, when you were younger you were the same way, right? Weren't you all 'Young Republican' and shit?
Him - Well, yeah, that changed when I grew up though.
Me - Why is that?
Him - Oh, well I supported the Republicans because I intended to be upper class.
who is the most evil person????
he KILLS me - too bad he was so far off
Hehehe that's how I saw it when I was younger too:
Republican: Rich, white. Totally clueless about the struggles of the poor. Corrupt. Into the (corrupt) business world. Uber Christian and judgmental.
Democrat: Poor to middle class. Cares deeply about the struggles of the poor and minorities. Morally superior, but not so Christian. Into social service jobs that pay less.
Those are extremes, and of course as we get older we don't see things as so black and white, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit there was still some degree of belief inside me in those stereotypical categories above. To this day, I'm still surprised when a minority joins the Republican party.
But it's the party of Lincoln!
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