18 June 2008

Husbands and Other Annoyances

So, in my kitchen I have two towels hanging up at all times, like this:

I find this system to be really clear. The towel above the sink is only for drying clean things, like your hands or washed dishes. See? Above the SINK is for drying CLEAN things. The towel on the stove is for wiping your hands clean of food or what have you while cooking. Again, see? The towel on the STOVE is for wiping off FOOD. I have had this system for 7 months now so the other day when Paul got it wrong again I kind of snapped and shrieked at him. His reponse 'I can't keep track of your COMPLEX RULES!'

That's marriage in a nutshell, I think. What one thinks is obvious the other thinks is fairly esoteric and then they both yell at each other and the cycle continues.

Speaking of extreme irritation...well, let me be fair by saying that Paul and I have needed a new couch since we started living together. His couch was old and secondhand already then and in the three years since then it has gotten a cigarette burn (stupid drunk friends), been peed on by a dog (stupid nervous Waffles), been thrown up on by two dogs numerous times and by an eight year old girl once. Because of all this I keep it covered up with a quilt as you will see in the picture below. The couch is nasty ass gross and God only knows when we will be able to afford a new one. However, we were still not prepared for Extreme Separation Anxiety Waffles and his amazing Powers of Destruction. Ta-Da!

Boys are so stupid.


Beachgal said...

Holy hell, I love your kitchen! That poor couch.

Anonymous said...

ditto - who knew your kitchen was so nice - and large too.

"keep track of your complex rules" - hah!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Waffles is trying to tell you he wants a new couch to barf on :) That's dogs for you, from what I can tell. I like your cloth system. I just have one, the stove one, and Matt always uses it to mop up spills and then doesn't replace it. Drives me batshit crazy.

J. Cullinane said...

I kind of have something like that for the bathroom...the "wipe your hands on this hand towel only after cleaning your hands." But then I break it myself when I secretly wipe my post-toothpaste mouth on it.

As for the kitchen, I just throw them in the laundry bin every single day. I don't know WHAT Beau does with them, but they seem to always end up soaking wet and in a bunched up ball.

J. Cullinane said...

P.S. Your kitchen is so nice and clean!!! We STRUGGLE to keep ours decent. I shouldn't cook so much.

Anonymous said...

Nice kitchen! Ten times the space we have here, no? Idea for the couch: slipcovers. Slip on and off and can be washed. Also, don't suppose the economic stimulus check can be earmarked for new couch? Must be a dozen or so other "needs" that that'll have to cover. Anyway, have a good one! Love, Mom2

Anonymous said...

My towel rules consist of: I need a towel for something, this one is the closest, I'll use it.

Don't tell Cabol, though.

Jennifer said...

Thanks for all the kitchen love! It is a nice kitchen except for the nasty old cupboards and drawers with half on half off shelf paper. It is a bit inconvenient though, honestly because all the counter space and cupboards are on one wall. It is nice though and we don't even use half the cupboards! Plus to the left there are doors leading off to our little deck...its a nice townhouse just not kept up and filled with horrible neighbors. Its so ridiculously big for us though...we don't use a full half of it.

I cook a whole lot, by the way, J...but since I don't have a job its very easy to keep the kitchen clean! So don't beat yourself up :)

Mom, I know we have a lot of room...so much room in fact that you and Dad could have an entire floor (huge living/bedroom area and bathroom) to yourself and then just share the kitchen with us...you know you want to move back to Tennessee! ;)

The economic stimulus check has been gone for a month already, sadly. But we paid off a large debt with it and spent $70 on a tiny kitchen table and two chairs. The table and chairs took precedence over the couch because A) they were so much cheaper and B) we have never had a table and chairs since we have been together and we were tired of eating on our knees!

I use the blanket on the couch as a sort of makeshift slipcover but there is no point in getting slipcovers for this piece of crap couch when they probably wouldn't fit the new one (if we can ever afford to get one). Plus it would be hard to get a cover to fit since I forgot to mention that we also no longer have the back cushions of the couch...we just lean on the wooden back covered with fabric!