Sooo tired, but I have to update here. I'm not abandoning this blog, I swear, but we've been so busy lately plus my new job plus being sick, its just all been too much. But for today again, just some catch up.
1) I'm getting better. I'm finished my second batch of antibiotics yesterday and so far they seem to be working as opposed to the first batch which could not help my powerfully weak immune system. I'm still coughing and phlegmy (AKA SO Sexy) and weak, but I feel like I'm on the mend. My bosses have been extremely understanding of my absences so early in this job. They say that this is what happens to everyone their first few months of working in a large group of small children, so hopefully after a few more months I'll have a bit more immunity to everything.
2) My job is going okay. Its a long commute every day and the day is long for me but the kids are awesome and I totally miss them on days when I'm not there. I spend most of my time in the infant rooms and I like them best. The teacher to my 'assistant teacher' the other day told me that I was a natural around the babies and that she had missed me while I was sick. Whee! I also LOVE the fact that its a Christian school. We sing Christian-y songs a lot and listen to them too. We put up Bible verses around the room and tell the babies stories from the Bible as well. I love love love that as it is very natural for me. As well, I was a bit worried that in this day and age it was going to be not appropriate to hug and snuggle the babies and I didn't know how I would manage that. But everyone does it and its a great pick-me-up when a one year old toddles up to you and wraps himself around you and just holds you for a minute before going back to play. Its neat too seeing babies take first steps and first words. No matter how many times I see a baby take his or her first steps it never gets old.
I spend some time in the toddler rooms too which is not my favorite but its usually just covering breaks. I love toddlers but they're just a bit too high energy for my sickly self. The toddler room entertains me though because of the things they say and I find myself saying. Here's a conversation I had with Riley the other day:
Riley - Miss Jennifer, I have a poopie.
Me - Do you really?
Riley - *laughing hysterically* NO! I'm just TEASING!
Me - Uh-huh.
2 minutes later
Riley - Miss Jennifer, I have a poopie.
Me - Do you really?
Riley - *nearly on the floor laughing* NO!
2 minutes later
Riley - Miss Jennifer, I have a poopie.
Me - No you don't.
Riley - *instantly bawling* I DOOOOOOOO!
Me - Okay let's go change you.
Riley - Okay, but I want you to do it and no one else and I want to hold the new diaper while you do it and that's how I want it.
Me - Fine.
Riley - *suddenly bawling again*
Me - What's wrong, hon?
Riley - I have an ITCH!
Me - Where is your itch?
Riley - Where I POOOOOOOOED!!!
Me - Okay, well that will go away in a little bit, tell me a story about your day today and by the time you're done it will be gone.
Riley - Why does it itch where I poo? Does it itch where you poo too?
Me - Uhh. Well, sometimes when we poo we get itchy but if we clean ourselves very well like I'm cleaning your bum right now then the itch goes away.
Riley - So your poo place itches too?
Me - you have to clean up your poo really well.
This just went on and on. Ah, 3 year olds.
3) My birfday is today and Paul and I are going to be going out for Indian food and maybe to a movie of my choice (although we saw Hancock a few weeks ago and it would be hard to top, it was great). I told Paul that I didn't need or want any gifts but he got me great ones anyway and harrassed me to open them until I did, a day early. I've told him many times that to me a big part of a gift or card, even a $5 item,is that its purchased in advance and wrapped with care and arrives on time etc. So he went, on his own, and bought me a card and Eeyore wrapping paper and wrapped up my stuff. It meant SO much to me, almost as much as the gifts! He got me some drugstore type items that I love; candy and pens and things. Plus a PedEgg...have you seen those commercials? Ew, eh? The PedEgg is like a foot file deal to help make your feet sandal ready smooth and its pretty neat, although my feet are a bit raw now. Then the best gift...Shortly after our wedding my engagement ring broke. At first we thought it was just a prong around the stone, but it turned out to need a fairly complicated weld and we could never afford to get someone to weld platinum properly and reset the stone. So, I went without my engagement ring which really bothered me. But Paul snuck the ring and stone out of my jewelry box and had it fixed for me. He had them put it in a beautiful new box and put a slip of paper into the box that said 'will you marry me?'
LOVE IT! Great gift. I was thrilled.
4) I have pages and pages of unanswered emails and un-responded to comments and I'm gonna just give myself a pass on that. I don't have the emotional energy to respond so I'm just gonna cross that off my list. I truly hope that that is not rude. Once again, I'm just going to say that most of you just rock. I got so many supportive and wonderful comments after we lost our baby and in general regarding all of our other problems. I'm so utterly grateful, there are no words to describe. Nancy F., Kimberly L. and so many others who I'm sure I should name by name, you guys have moved me beyond words and you are in my prayers every day. Thank you all for more support than I could have imagined and I hope you'll forgive me if I don't respond to you right now...its all just too much.
Oh, and an edit. FRICKING COMCAST!!! Our internet and cable and thus also phone have been working only sporadically for about a month now and have worked hardly at all this weekend. So, you're trying to call us? Good luck. Also, we finally changed our phone number to a Tennessee number last week so if you're somebody who calls us please email me for our new number or call Paul on his cell if you have that. Thanks!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Mine was just last week and we celebrated today with a pool party and cake and ice cream. Except only my parents showed up, instead of the friends and neighbors that were all invited. But we had a good time anyway. Glad to hear your day was good.
Happy Birthday!! It sounds like the boy did the perfect wonderful. I hope you feel much better soon...and your immunity starts building up!
Oh, beachgal, that's happened to me, too, and I'll be 60 this year! And Jenn, cant' wait to see you guys and have Paulie around Paul. Paulie's a little bruiser and will become a gluestick once he overcomes his initial shyness. Also, be prepared for him to ask you "whassat?" about a dozen times or so for everything he sees. And I'm really anxious to see how he does with Smee and Whiffy! Can't wait to leave, it's 5:00 a.m. Tuesday and we're leaving at 5:30. See you later!
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