04 September 2008

Of course dogs can pick out and sign cards

I'm sure some of you (and here I'm thinking of you, Bernice) will think this is super stupid but I was so touched by the birthday card Paul gave me 'from' the dogs. He was great this birthday and with this kind of card he reminds me of why I love him AND like him:

Front (Note: we call Waffles "Webby" or "Wiffy" most of the time)


The colors are not sharp for some reason, I'm terrible at scanning. But, is that not the sweetest thing ever?


Beachgal said...

I am so glad I'm not the only one who gives cards from the pets.

Anonymous said...

Did one of them once pull out your shorts and pee on them??

Jennifer said...

*sigh* Yes, Waffles likes to punish us when we leave and he is particularly fond of pulling out my shorts that I wear a lot around the house and then peeing on them. He is a gross boy, he likes anything that has any of our scent on it; like underwear, used Q-tips and kleenexes etc. You may also remember the condom story. *shiver*

Smeagol on the other hand lies on the bed and is fat and only gets up when we come home in hopes that we will pet her or give her treats and then lies back down with a groan.