Well, tomorrow is the big day, eh people? This is all very exciting for so many people here in America and around the world that I think that even those who weren't too excited about Obama winning the election are still looking forward to this at least a little. I already have found that I don't agree with all of his policies but I'm still so terribly hopeful that he will do what he has promised; bring hope and change to a country that is suffering so much right now.
When I moved to America President Bush's approval rating was at an all time low...and then it got lower! And then lower still. And people here could sense that - sense that the country was miserable as a whole and that we needed help and sometimes it seemed/seems that Barack Obama was some sort of avenging angel ready to cure the sick and employ the jobless and feed the hungry and pull world peace out of his hat. And of course that isn't so and I truly hope that we won't all be devastated when he doesn't cure all of the country's ills in four years...because he won't.
Regardless of what your political views are I think that almost all of us (Elisabeth Hasselback excluded don'tgetmestarted) can agree that the past eight years haven't gone all that terribly well. Whether it is President Bush's fault or not the past few years have been rough on the country and now something different will begin. All we can hope for is that the different will be better.
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