29 January 2009

Questions Du Jour

#1) How can I have lost a pound in the 19 weeks that I've been pregnant and yet have an increasingly giant belly? Does the weight migrate from, say, my thighs, to my belly? If so that would be FANFREAKINGTASTIC!

#2) What kind of socks can you buy when even little ankle socks cut off all circulation to your feet?

#3) Can I go for another 21 weeks without any sleep?

#4) Why do people hang their pictures anywhere but eye level? (My mom hangs her pictures like 2 feet from the ceiling and someone hung a picture across from my desk at work over the couch and the picture is one inch from the top of the couch. How much time per day can I spend in plotting to move that picture? A LOT)

#5) How do you get rid of a musty smell in your house caused by two separate floods in your house after less than two months living there?

#6) How do you get rid of a mouse in your house when the mouse seems to be subsisting on the food in your dog's dish?

#7) How is it that Hugh Laurie is so not-young, so kinda-wrinkly, so not-really-handsome and yet SOSOSO sexy?

Signing off,
Exhausted yet Frantic


Anonymous said...

#6 - 49 cent old school mouse trap and peanut butter.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's how you get the mouse. Musty smell, lots of air freshener-stuff, like plug-ins and I'd let the landlord know that you need that done. Ankle socks, no. Get special socks made for diabetics, they're looser. Can't answer anything for the other questions, especially the weight thing, 'cuz I gained like 80+ pounds with each of the boys! Mom2

J. Cullinane said...

No, get a cat! No matter where I've lived, as long as I've had cats I've never suffered from mice, even if all other units around me did.

Peanut butter on a trap is great too, but what abotu the dogs?

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure you'd want to put one of the dogs in a mousetrap to try to catch a mouse, would you? Mom2

Anonymous said...

About the weight gain, I lost weight my first trimester, stayed the same my second, and then gained in my last, but that was mostly water, since I was pretty darn swollen. By the time I left the hospital (after 2 weeks in), and lost the swelling fluids, I was below my pre-pregnancy weight. But, I'm a big girl to start with, and I've heard from lots of sources, my midwife, etc, who said that I didn't need to gain any, as long as the baby was developing normally.

Diabetic socks are a good idea. I know for a fact that they sell them at Wal-mart and you can find them in the pharmacy department.

Cats are also a good idea! ;)

- Kim

Anonymous said...

I agree with the cheap traps and peanut butter. I saw a mouse in our old house and freaked. We had never had them before nor poop which is usually the first signal. I went mental and put 8 traps out with peanut butter (easy to find places the dogs can't get to - pantry, behind the washer and dryer, behind the bookcases). Next on the advice of an exterminator we went around the house and "thought like a mouse" which entails plugging all holes bigger then a nickel and up to 1 foot from the ground. We caught 2 mice that weekend and never had a mouse or mouse poop again. Best $5and 2 hours we ever spent and I highly recomend it.

Jennifer Goertzen said...

Well, we had bought a mouse trap and peanut butter as soon as we discovered the mouse of course, but we did not catch it and no longer see signs of it so who knows. I knew to get a mouse trap...I guess I asked because the mouse seemed to be subsisting on the food in the dogs' dishes.

The musty smell is slowly going away - we can't use air fresheners cause I'm allergic (same reason why we can't get a cat to get rid of the mouse) and our landlord cares not for any of the problems that we have already encountered here but the smell is much better already.

The diabetic socks are a good idea! I'm slightly less swollen now so I'm going to hold off a bit since in another month or so it will hopefully be warm enough that I don't need socks. But if I do I will definitely try that.