23 February 2009

A Very, Very Incomplete Types-Of-Idiot List.

Paul and I have been over-the-top filled with hate for people lately. We both (but more me) really struggle with the fact that when people do dumb or hateful things we get very angry instead of shrugging or laughing it off like most people would. It is actually quite a problem and we wonder sometimes if life is harder than it should be because we are so filled with dislike for so many people. I really would like to know why it bothers us more than most, by the way, so if any of you have any brilliant ideas as to what is going on in the psyches of Ms. Pop and Mr. Soda we would love to know.

Anyway, as an excuse to rant and rave about the idiots that fill the world I'm gonna make a list; Top Five People Into Whom I hope My Son Does Not Turn (and if you can give me better grammar for that I would love to hear that too. I could only come up with this one and one where it ended in a preposition and I knew that one was wrong so I stuck with this one.)

1) The kind of person who stands on the outside of the 'OUT' door at Wal-Mart and can't figure out why, to their mind I suppose, their body weight no longer triggers the automatic door. (We saw people waiting at both doors on the wrong side the other day, just standing there, utterly baffled)

2) The kind of person who does not use their turn signal while driving, even when changing lanes. (it is the LAW people and it is also greatly helpful to those around you)

3) The kind of person who pays for fertility assistance to have more kids when they already have six children who are solely supported by the government, AKA money out of my paycheck. F**K!

4) The kind of person who, after two years of a constant bombardment of messages saying that if you use a TV with rabbit ears it won't work after February 17, 2009, STILL could not manage to get their act together and needs another four freakin' months to get ready for the stinkin' 'digital transition'. (This may be solely an American thing, if it is, sorry to my non-America-living friends)

5) The kind of person who, in a grocery store, manages to take up an entire aisle by parking their cart at an angle and then obliviously staring at a shelf of soup cans while the other patrons stand there patiently waiting for him to notice that he is holding up the flow of the whole store.

Rant Complete.

Until a week or two goes by and I come up with another five.


Anonymous said...

When people leave their carts like that, I believe you have the legal right to push it out of the way with your own. Bonus points if you smack their butt at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Those things don't seem like idiot things to me. They seem like things (except the tv) that people do when they get distracted. I mean, really, have ya'll never done these things? Have you never forgotten to use your turn signal or left your cart in a bad place? Have you never expected the enter door to be where the out door is?

As for the tv thing, there a lot of people who are poor or uneducated or mentally ill or somehow challenged and that has kept them from getting the tv thing together. For a lot of people, the tv is the only communication they have with emergency stuff, and if they lost it...it could be not so good. I don't think the government should have postponed it, but I do understand people aren't ready.

Yeah, I get angry at people when they do stupid stuff, but I usually try to understand that I do those things sometimes, too, and we are none of us perfect.

Now, that guy who illegally passed me on a curve going up a hill and whose cars driver-side windshield looked like a bowling ball landed in it...that guy is an idiot.

And no, you don't have the right to push someone's cart out of the way with your own. You have the right to politely say, "Excuse me." And if they don't answer then you just move their cart out of the way. If you do what Andy said, then you are the idiot, not them.

Unknown said...


"I mean, really, have ya'll never done these things?"

I am afraid that my wife and I are both considerate, literate people who take other's feelings into account with our everyday actions. If you do not feel that people should be considerate to others regardless, I have great pity in my heart for you...

"TV is the only communication they have with emergency stuff, and if they lost it...it could be not so good."

Really? People don't have radios either? Unfortunately, technology cannot be stifled by the poor, uneducated, or mentally challenged. If we put on hold everything that would technologically advance our nation because people can't afford it or are too stupid to use it, we would then be forced to operate at the level of the lowest individuals of our race.

*steps off the soapbox*

Anonymous said...

Woo, woo, way to go, Paul! Here's another one to add to your list, Jenn: How about the person who purposely parks their car/truck slightly sideways or over the lines so that no one else can park on either side of them? Do you really think that your vehicle will never get a ding or dent in it for its entirety? If you do, then you're living in a dream world? (Not directly you or Paul, but "you" in general.) And what about the jerk who throws our your mail when the mailperson delivers it to the wrong address? Can't take the time to put it back in your mail box so it can be redirected, can you? Yeah, there'll be more coming. Mom2

the girl said...



Anonymous said...

Never, Paul? You must either be a saint, a liar, or oblivious. Since you're a guy, I'm leaning to the last. ;)

Anonymous said...


I do not believe you have never done these things. Unless you are perfect. Which you aren't. No one is (do I really have to say that?).

As for radios? Up until recently, I didn't have a working radio except the one in my car. I know very few people who listen to a radio (when not in the car) these days. In addition, I said, and I quote, "I don't think the government should have postponed it, but I do understand that people aren't ready."

This world needs a whole lot more tolerance and patience.

Anonymous said...


Being a guy yourself, you will understand why I don't even dignify your statement with much of a comment.


"I do not believe you have never done these things."

I don't ask for your beliefs, and do not for one minute presume that you know me. You do not have to be perfect to be a considerate, decent human being. Again, I pity you if you think one needs to be perfect in order to be considerate.

"As for radios? Up until recently, I didn't have a working radio except the one in my car."


$12.98 at Wal-Mart. If it's the ONLY communication, as you stated, they have with emergency stuff, then it's quite affordable.

"This world needs a whole lot more tolerance and patience."

Judging by the tone of many of the posts I've read that you've made, I hope Sheep didn't get hit by the lightning that struck when you deigned to type that. Guess what Pot, you're black too.

J. Cullinane said...

Many of those things are annoying. The turn signal thing is a personal pet peeve of mine, especially here, where you can be flying down a country highway and someone decides to turn, RIGHT NOW, and they come to an almost complete stop before doing so. That always keeps you on your toes!

I think the best example would have been of that woman you talked about a little while back who was trying to get the refund on a buy one-get one free deal. THAT was an idiot.

And as I've said before when working at Shop-n-Smile, working retail really shows you a spectrum of human...annoyances. But it's the disregard for other humans that depresses me more...

Chickenbells said...

Oh...every once in a while I will totally do something like forget to turn on my signal, and if it wasn't totally inappropriate, I would get out of my car and apologize, since that really bothers me when other people do it...

It really bothers me when people are walking in front of you and they just stop or take up space without making an effort to move to the right or left. I have noticed that on trails when hiking...a lot of people will plow right through and either stop or not yield at all...it's really impolite.

As for the antenna thing...I heard a report that people were kind of waiting until the last moment to switch (as usual) and then the government had underestimated the amount of refunds they'd need to give and they ran out of $$ for it...I am more upset that they are making it impossible to use antenna at all. I have cable, but I think it's absolutely nuts that you can't use your antenna any more to watch TV...then again, I think it's insane that it costs upwards of $100 to get a cable for a flat screen TV to be able to watch it as well, but that's just me.