We have become 'those' people. We both trudge to work, come home, discuss the dogs and their needs, discuss the baby and his needs, watch a little TV, discuss how much we don't want to go to work the next day aaaaand repeat.
We've both been lucky though because Paul got several hours of overtime this weekend and then went to some bigwigs house to work on his computer and got some money for that too. Paul has also been told that there will probably be more overtime available this week and we're both psyched about that. I'm getting eight hours of overtime this week at minimum as well so that's exciting. The money that Paul made this past weekend alone covers the bill for the co-pay that we just got from my ER visit at the end of last year when I had my subchorionic hemmorhage so that's kind of exciting.
We're both so stressed and tired though, it's becoming difficult. It would be easier if we could ever buy anything fun or interesting with our money, but alas, priorities call instead. We actually may have both fallen in love with bedding, of all things, this weekend and I had to forcibly drag us both away from the most gorgeous bed-in-a-bag that I have ever seen. We have to be smart though because there are so terribly many expenses coming up in the next couple of months.
My to-do list is looonnggg and my energy level is low
Our upcoming expenses list is looonnggg and our income is small
But we are happy together, managing so far and looking forward to our little tax deduction
That's about all I have to say about that.
HA,ha,ha! "Your little tax deduction," that's what my husband calls our baby too...lol. Joking of course...
I wish I could claim the dog as a tax deduction. I'm glad you have a job that's working out for you guys, lady, even if it's ruining your social life :) Stay healthy!!
Oh heck, we never had a social life if the first place! We're both so grateful to have jobs, at least for the time being, my only complaint is that I'm just so damn tired from dragging my six months pregnant body there every day and Paul is so damn tired from working overtime to attempt to support that child. But believe me, we are grateful for the opportunity :)
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