30 April 2009

I screwed up and I need to apologize. Before I post anything about Paul I always ask him if it is okay for me to do so and he always says yes. Lately though he tells me that I'm making him out to be a serious jerk and that was never, ever my intention. I would be absolutely lost without my Paul; I love him so dearly and who else would still love me throughout all of my tears over the years and especially over the past few days (and already this morning and I've only been up for 50 minutes).

I'm sorry to those of you who read this that I unintentionally made Paul to sound like a jerk. He is not. And I'm sorry Paul that I made you out to sound that way - I don't feel that way and I'm sorry that I hurt you.


Anonymous said...

I don't know what he could have found offensive about the last blog - I thought it was hilarious and typical Paul, but oh well..

Don't stop putting in funny stories about him tho.


J. Cullinane said...

Yeah, I have no idea what you're referring to either... the dialogue post?

Anonymous said...

Hmm I hope my laundry comment didn't start a shit storm. It was meant to be tongue in cheek and probably wasn't taken that way.

Paul you don't seem like a jerk at all. I enjoy reading all the funny stories and hope they continue.


Laz said...

I'd just like to fourth the fact that I don't think these posts make Paul look bad at all. You guys crack me up on a fairly consistent basis!

P.S. The code word to thwart spammers today is 'gereonic'. Sounds like something that describes old folks, but what? What??