Hey Folks, I'm sorry that I haven't updated everyone. Cooper is two weeks old tolday, he has been home since last Wednesday and he appears to be doing very well. Unfortunately he is not a happy boy, the doctor thinks that he has really bad acid reflux and has started on medicine but it may be a few days before he feels better if that is indeed his problem. He is an adorable boy and we are totally in love but he is...difficult. Some days he sleeps nothing more than the odd catnap on our chests. Meanwhile I'm still trying to heal up and Paul is back at work - neither of which are easy when we get no sleep.
Anyway, we will update you as soon as we can but that is why we haven't been around in any way. Like I said, Cooper is a beautiful boy and appears to be recovering very nicely from his premature birth and stay in the NICU but things are extremely difficult around here due to the circumstances that I mentioned and the fact that we don't know anyone to help us at all here.
I hope this makes sense :p

I'm so glad I read your post. Now, I'm not saying that your son might have this too, but keep an eye out for what I'm about to write to you about...
I just got back from the hospital today. My son Liam was in there for surgery. I was told last wednesday that he also had bad acid reflux. After a week of projectile vomiting, little catnaps like you have described, and 3 visits to the doctors office they finally diagnosed him correctly with Pyloric Stenosis. Which is a permanent closing of a valve located at the bottom of the stomach. It's only repairable by surgery and isn't as bad as it sounds. I just want to warn you because my son lost about a pound in weight (which is a lot for a baby) and I had to be persistant with my doctor who was dismissing me as being a crazy first time mom. Also, just to let you know, it's more common in males and especially first born males. I just wanted to share my experience and I don't want your little guy to go through what Liam did. Take care of Cooper and I hope I didn't scare you too bad with my comment, but I thought I should let you know about my experience with "acid reflux."
I had that when I was a baby, although my understanding is it didn't appear until I was a few months old. You could still see the scar before my stomach got big and hairy. :)
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