14 July 2008


In the spirit of the tremendous support that I've gotten from some of my readers in past times of crisis, I'm going to share something that I never, ever wanted to have to share.

Paul and I had a wonderful six days this past week. I took a pregnancy test a week ago Sunday and it was positive. Then I took two more and they were positive too. It was the happiest day of our lives. On Saturday, though, I began to get cramps and bleed and I had to go to the ER. At the ER they told us that they had seen the gestational sac on our ultrasound and prescribed me progesterone to help me maintain the pregnancy. By the time we got home though there was a message on our answering machine that they had mixed me up with someone else and that there was no evidence of a pregnancy remaining on my ultrasound and that the prescriptions were for the other woman who still had her child. We went to the OB today and were told that the baby was probably gone and that I was in the process of miscarrying. For some this is more of a rapid process than others, for me it has been four full days of bleeding and discomfort and that may continue for another week or even more.

I never dreamed I would have to say this but we were pregnant and we lost our child. Please bear with me in the next little while as our grief is almost more than we can handle. We will continue to hope and pray and try but God feels very distant from us right now and we wish sometimes that we could understand his ways a little better. It is difficult to understand how God decides who should be blessed with a baby and when. It is difficult too, sometimes, to believe that God isn't 'angry' with me or with us when life has been so hard.

Please pray for us if you believe in that kind of thing...pray that we will be able to come to terms with this, pray that we will get pregnant again and, please, that the bleeding and pain will end soon so that if this is going to be over it will be over soon.


Anonymous said...

Oh Jenn, I cannot tell you how really sorry I feel for you. I have an incling as to how you feel but I would never be so pompous as to say I completly know how you feel. Physically, ya, it is a long, painful process..My miscarriage took more than a week because not everything came out so the Dr, gave me the 'Morning After' pill to "clean everything out". What a nightmare that was, it was like have the experience all over again. I ended up needing an emergency D&C anyway. Psychologically, I can't even begin to pretend I know exactly how you feel. I only know how terrible I felt. I know that knowing all the logical arguments didn't make me feel much better either.(like one in five pregnacies miscarry, only often the woman doesn't even know it, she think's she's just having an "off" period.
My thoughts are with you.

I just remembered, it was YOU who made me go the the Dr. that fateful day! You took over for me at work and sent me to the Dr.

Gee, for a couple of girls who hardly communicate, we do have some similarities.
Love Ya,

Anonymous said...

Jenn, sweetie, we're so very sorry to hear about this. No one can say they know what you're going through. Please don't lose your faith in God, He is there and will help you both along. I will share this with you: I miscarried before Randy was born, two months along. After Randy was born, the doctor told me not to have more than two and if Randy had been the second, there wouldn't have been a Paul. Our love and prayers with you both...Mom2

the girl said...

Oh, my dear, my heart is breaking apart for you. I can't even begin to say anything other than that.

I pray for healing, comfort, and peace for both of you. God loves you, sweetie, and He wants the best for you, even though you're feeling broken and trampled. I can't even imagine what you must be feeling right now--but don't lose your faith, don't let go of the assurances we have. Mourn, be angry, and tell Him so--but don't let go.

Beachgal said...

I am so saddened by this, for you, with you. I won't bust out the stupid cliche's some use to try to make you feel better (not meaning anyone here, but in general.) You'll be better when you're better. I will pray for healing and comfort. I'm so sorry.

Chickenbells said...

Oh honey...my heart is breaking for the two of you. Of course God isn't angry with you...I am so sorry that your mind took you to that place, but I know how that is. Sometimes when something bad happens in my life, I take a lot of time to examine every little thing to see if it was "my fault" But, then I hope that things happen for a reason and that something even better is around the corner (this is of course, during the middle of crying and being angry too...) I know how badly the two of you want this and I believe in my heart that this will happen for you...

I am sending big hugs and lots of love and prayers for the two of you...

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

I'm so sorry Jenn :( I am sending you lots of positive thoughts (and virtual hugs if you'll take 'em) from southern Italy.

Anonymous said...

Jenn, I am so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you. Karen had several miscarriages, so I know nothing I say can make it better. But I do know hugs were always welcome, so...