In my little family I do all the money stuff; I create the budget, pay the bills, do the taxes etc. and it is working fairly well thus far I would say. This month we made the last payment on another one of the debts-from-back-when-Paul-was-young-and-dumb which brings us down to seven outstanding debts (from the original 30-some) two of which are student loans and one of which is under $500.
Anyway, I do the books because, although Paul makes twice as much money as I do and is MUCH more careful with money these days, I think I have a much better grasp on the concept of the almighty dollar. Here's an example of Paul's weird ideas about money...
We're driving into the city in my car but Paul is driving:
Him - Your gas light just came on so I'm gonna stop and put some gas in.
Me - Oh shoot, thanks.
Him - How much do you want me to put in?
Me - May as well fill 'er up.
Him - *deeply sarcastic* Okay, got-rocks.
Me - What? We have money in the bank, gas is cheap right now and eventually I'll use up all the gas again, why not fill it up?
Him - Whatever you say, Rockefeller. *shakes head as he starts pumping*
I gotta tell you, I don't get that at all. I wonder if this is a Paul thing or a men thing or what. In any case that was like two weeks ago and I still have gas in my car and money in the bank and gas is now 20 cents more per gallon so I think I have been proven right here.
It's gotta be a Paul thing, because in his way of thinking, if you put in a small amount, then gas could have gone down in the next couple of days. So it's like reverting back to his old gambling days. And what's the expression from 50 years ago?
I don't think that his reasoning is that the gas price may go down actually...although I can see why you would think that. I think that he just finds it easier to spend little bits of money because in his mind they don't count.
I told him once about how my Grandpa used to say 'save a penny, buy a farm' which I TOTALLY get and he found that baffling.
And, perhaps I'm wrong but 'got-rocks'? I haven't heard anybody say that except for in TV shows from decades ago :)
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