I know that quite a few people who read blogs don't actually read comments so I had to repost this comment from my friend Reba about the jerkfaces I wrote about the other day
"When people say "think of those who have it worse" it actually does work for me but in the wrong way. I think a kind hearted person would feel even WORSE when they hear that because then they would be thinking of poverty and famine and a whole bunch of terrible stuff that isnt' going away anytime soon. Selfishly though, it makes me feel better about what I have. Which is the desired effect when poeple say it - to make the person feel worse for others or selfishly better?"
Yes! That was my point, only better said. So let's say I'm miserable and you say 'but it could be so much worse think of ...' am I supposed to feel better like a total bitch because other people have it so bad or am I supposed to feel worse because not only am I sad but I'm also apparently a horrible person for feeling bad since there are so many others who have it worse than I? Ha! People understand me!
Which isn't to say that I'm miserable right now, I'm not at all, I just get tired of people who say mean things or people who intend to say nice things but it comes out mean. For example, an elderly lady who I see a lot at work told me the other day "I can't get over that you are 29 weeks pregnant! You don't look pregnant at all, you just look chubby!' Annnndd, that's supposed to make me feel what? Good? No.
Pregnancy is a strange thing. People say bizarre things to you and you feel like you are living in another person's body. My hair is crazy nuts and there is nothing I can do with it. My fingernails are strong and smooth for the first time ever (they're normally very ridge-y but now completely ridgeless). My shoes barely fit. My rings hurt my fingers. All these things (plus a million more) make it very disorienting to be pregnant. The little parasite is changing my whole life and body and everything.
It's totally worth it though, you know.
1 comment:
Although I'd get really tired of people saying that too, I have to admit, those comments DO work on me. A phrase i often tell myself when things suck is, "It can always be worse," because I know full-well, it CAN! Sure, we're not rich, but I've been uncomfortable poor and I've been terrifying poor. They all suck, but they're different degrees. The fact that we were able to go out and buy a needed ironing board today without too much trouble, but could NOT buy some other stuff was too bad, but as I know...
Be thankful for what you got, it can ALWAYS be worse.
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