This cold or flu thing or whatever it is that I have is getting maybe a bit better but I have this wracking cough that's painful and dry. It's only been for like 3 days so far so I don't want to fret about it and I wouldn't even think of it except for the 34 week old kid inside of me. I'll call my OB if I have to but I was hoping you all might have some advice or opinions...does my coughing hurt or bother baby? is there anything I can do to soothe the cough since I'm not supposed to take cough candy or decongestants or anything really?
Drink LOTS of water or clear fluids. It will help the cough.
It may also make it so when you do cough less often, you can fret about a little "leaking" :) And don't be suprised if it happens, you've got a child big enough to sit on your bladder and your coughing just makes him bouce up and down on it like a moon walk ride. Did I tell you AJ decided to come at 35 1/2 weeks? You might want to squeeze your legs together when you cough!
The only thing that ever stops my coughing is really hot water with a touch of honey and lots of fresh lemon squeezed in it. It works for me and drug free!
I don't think coughing can hurt baby. It probably squeezes him a bit, with all your abdominal muscles contracting, but nothing more than a nice little massage. Try the lemon/honey mixture, I agree it's the best natural cough suppressant. Try some herbal tea and add honey - ginger tea is another good one.
I always found hot orange juice and good, strong whiskey did the truck for my coughing. Also knocked me out for hours on end so I could get a good sleep...oh, wait, you're pregnant...that's right, no hot orange juice for you! (Just joking!) Agree with the tea/lemon as long as it's decaf tea. Or tea/honey is good and soothing, too. Sometimes just sucking on a piece of hard candy will get you enough throat lubrication to stop the coughing without the cough drop with the drugs in it. Love, Mom2
The coughing won't bother the baby, but if you are that late in the pregnancy you should be able to take cough drops at least.
Ask your doctor.
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