08 June 2009

Heading to the Hospital

Well, here we go. We went to the doctor today and my blood pressure was 150/90 and the baby is only in the 11th percentile of growth. Baby's head is normal size but his little body is two weeks behind his head which is an indicator that he is no longer getting what he needs, nutrient-wise. It is possible that the placenta has decided to slowly stop working here because of the placental hemorrhage that I had around Christmas - quite common apparently that women who get the hemorrhage have a weakened placenta.

Anyway, so far there is no particular indication that the baby has any serious health problems, although that is not necessarily a for sure (never is, really, though) and so it's not a 'let's get this baby out now' kind of thing but more of a 'let's get the ball rolling and see how he does' since I'm already considered full term and neither baby or I are doing the way we should.

We go in at around midnight to be induced but the baby has not dropped and I'm not dilated or anything so they expect the induction to be a slow process and thus a C-section is not impossible.

I'm kind of freaking out and my fingers are numb so I hope this all makes sense. Will post when I can.

Thanks for all of your support up until now!


Beachgal said...

Still thinking the best and sending good thoughts your way.

as a funny aside, I am always hungry, and my word verification for this post is 'cooking'!!! loloolol

Justafitgirl said...

Good luck girl! I hope everything turns out okay with you and your little guy. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

jabou said...

Best wishes and always in my prayers Jenn. The fun begins.

J. Cullinane said...

Good luck, and hope everything comes out as painlessly and healthily as possible.