I'm totally aware that I am not posting at least once a week. And, to be honest, I probably won't until the first few weeks of baby's life outside my uterus are over. The last month of pregnancy is very exciting but very tiring too. Let me answer a couple of questions though:
A) Baby is doing okay. We had a biophysical profile today (which is both a pain and pretty neat) and will have one every week until boy decides to come out or the doctor decides that he needs to come out. Baby boy is quite small and his body is not quite as well developed as his head so they are trying to determine exactly why that is and make sure that that does not mean that he is in jeopardy of any sort. As of today he was doing well. Just wee.
B) I am doing fine. I'm struggling to work for as long as I can (we're 37 weeks on Wednesday 6/3) since I get no actual maternity leave and we need every cent that we can get, Lord knows. I feel generally okay though except for extreme fatigue, which is very normal and the carpal tunnel syndrome which makes me sort of a slave to the sensation level I'm getting in my fingers. Poor Paul has to open all bottles and things like that for me. When he's not here I'm somewhat helpless in regards to anything that requires fine motor skills. And he's stuck covering someone else's vacation this week so he's working 4-midnight which means we barely see each other and I'm pretty much pathetic. It could be worse though, a lot of my other normal symptoms sort of come and go but are not constant which makes them bearable. Oh, and it's 100 degrees (like...35 ish is my best guess without bothering to look it up) outside which is the extreme suck.
C) The to-do list is very slightly smaller than it was although I still cannot imagine getting it done. I'm trying not to panic about getting it all done, but when I do manage to slow down the panic about that then I start panicking about the pain of labor and delivery. This is all normal, though, I know!
D) If any of you have any suggestions for things that helped you in these last few weeks or things that you wish you would have avoided or things that you really appreciated having at the hospital or anything like that I would love to hear them!
Seeing as half your family is across the continent are you guys registered online anywhere?
Oh my god, the carpal tunnel alone was so bad for me I had to quit working at 37.5 weeks. I couldn't handle it anymore. I'm now 17 days post-pardum and I still have problems with my right hand. My middle, ring and thumb are still numb! It is easier to sleep at night though, but I still can't open a bottled water either. My suggestion to you is to enjoy your baby when he gets here. Don't worry about the money. Money comes and goes, but the first incredibly hard, yet beautiful, weeks of your babies life are gone in a flash. Trust me, when we brought Liam home he was wearing "newborn" sizes, now 17 days later he's wearing "0-3month" sizes. It's made me sad to wash and put away those newborn pj's. BUT it's made me realize that this time when he is this little is fleeting. Enjoy every second when your little baby comes...and remember money comes and goes, but time never comes back...it just goes.
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