22 January 2009

Well, that's handy

Paul has been quite loving and affectionate the past couple of weeks. He's really happy about the pregnancy and it has affected him well (in my opinion). The other day we had a big snowfall here and since neither of us have brushes or scrapers for our cars he had to grab a box from the recycle bin to brush off his windows. When I left for work about 15 minutes later I discovered that he had cleaned off my car too. In my opinion that is a sign of true love.

Then last night Paul felt the baby move for the first time and he was EVEN more affectionate. This morning he hugged and hugged and hugged me and I couldn't believe how loving he was being. But as we pulled apart from our hug he noticed a pimple on my neck (my skin is HIDEOUS since I got pregnant) and said 'okay, have a good day zit-neck'.



Justafitgirl said...

HA HA HA!!! My husband is exactly the same way.

Anonymous said...

If it had been me, I would have fallen apart at that comment and then Jim would say, "oh, are we having a hormone day?"

J. Cullinane said...

God, don't I know it! This was what I got yesterday:

"Your chili was good...except it was too salty..and there wasn't nearly enough meat, and it was way too tomatoey..."


Anonymous said...

I decided that the pregnancy glow was actually oily skin. Really. ;)


Jennifer Lavin said...

Barb, I was actually pretty upset when he said it but it grew funnier as time went on.

And Froya, I'm telling you I have NO pregnancy glow unless the red skin from my giant pimples and rosacea is so red that it actually does glow.